Tips for Eating With Braces

Tips for Eating With Braces

If you’ve just started with your braces treatment, or if you’ve recently had you braces tightened, you may find that your teeth and mouth are quite sore. This soreness typically lasts for about a week, and during this time, it can be hard to eat! Here are some tips to make it easier.

Changing Your Diet

Choose Soft, Easy to Chew Foods.

These are less likely to damage your braces, or cause pain and discomfort to your sensitive, sore teeth.

Some healthy choices include:

  • Soft cheese or yogurt
  • Soup
  • Soft-cooked meat and seafood with no bones
  • Pasta dishes
  • Sautéed or steamed vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soft fruits (bananas, kiwis, berries, etc.)

Cut Out Hard Foods & Sticky, Chewy Foods

These can cause pain and discomfort during chewing, but they can also damage your braces.

Try to avoid the following:

  • Nuts
  • Granola
  • Popcorn
  • Raw veggies
  • Apples and other hard fruit
  • Gum
  • Licorice
  • Toffee
  • Caramel
  • Chewy candies (like Starburst)

Change How You Eat

Cut Your Food Into Small Pieces

Cut your food into small pieces, rather than biting into bigger pieces like you used to. This will help you manage how much work your teeth will have to do, and will help expand your diet. For instance, while apples would be a problem if you just bite into them, cutting them up into slices or small chunks makes them manageable with braces.

Corn on the cob is another good example: not a great idea in and of itself, but simply cutting the corn off the cob means you’ll be able to eat it without issue.

Taking steps like these will help you manage pain and protect your braces.

Chew with Your Back Teeth

Your back teeth are thicker and stronger than your front ones, making them less sensitive to pain. This means you’ll likely be able to chew more comfortably with your back teeth than the others.

Avoid tearing or pulling apart foods with your front teeth (this is another reason cutting your food into smaller pieces can help), and place the food directly toward the back of your mouth.

Eat More Slowly

Make a point to eat more slowly, even if you’re really hungry! You may do this naturally if your teeth are very sore, but if you find you’re rushing, make a point of slowing down and chewing carefully.

Taking some of the above steps will really help make chewing easier during those times when your braces are hurting you. If you have more questions on how to manage pain, contact one of our BC Orthodontics Practices today!

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